Tuesday 12 May 2009

Movie Review: Star Trek

Saturday night I finally went and saw Star Trek. I had been waiting for this movie to come out for over a year now. Confession time: I am a huge Star Trek fan. I wouldn't consider myself a Trekkie, but as a lover of sci-fi, I have to love it. Because I have never been a huge fan of the Original Series, I love that this movie was made for anyone to watch, primarily those with no Star Trek experience what so ever. I didn't feel like I was lost or didn't know what I was watching, which is always great when you pay $9.50 to see something. So how was it?

I thought it was good. To be honest, I kind of expected more. I think I pictured myself walking out of the movie theatre being awestruck, and that's not exactly what went down. I found the movie to be just good, which is where my disappointment lies. I wanted it to be SPECTACULAR! And it was in a sense. The special effects beat any other incarnation of Star Trek to date, and what I appreciated most was that it seemed real. Not realistic (one can dream though), but I mean, the characters seemed like real people. They talked like real people. They looked like (very attractive) people. My favorite scene in the entire movie was in the beginning at the bar, because going out for fun is something real people do. It was little stuff like that that made me like the movie.

I sometimes have a hard time going to certain movies because after spending more than an hour watching some fantastic stuff, I am left wishing I was more than human, or living in a different time, or had magic powers, etc. I am left depressed because I can't do the shit going on in these awesome movies. That was one of my fears going into this movie, and strangely, I left feeling alright. Granted, I would kill to be transported 200-300 years into the future to serve on a starship and see the universe, but I didn't get that urge as a result of the film. And I don't know why, which leaves me very unsettled. It may just be that my inner-nerd was left unsatisfied. I do remember thinking it was short, but I can also see how it could have gone all wrong with dragged out scenes in which interstellar politics is debated. But yea, I wanted to love it, and came out only liking it.

Do I plan on seeing it again? Of course! It was good overall. I thought the casting was well done, and how can you go wrong with Zachary Quinto (Sylar on Heroes) as Spock? I might of just spent the last paragraphs nit-picking, but it is a good movie, and as a promoter of science fiction, I encourage everyone to see it.

Until next time. Peace.
P.S. - On a more depressing note, check out this video:

Life's no beach for holiday donkeys.
Shock footage reveals animals are paying the price for cheap rides and overweight tourists.