Thursday 7 May 2009

Addendum to "Addendum to Numero Uno"

I meant to start writing frequently back in February, however due to a medical issue with a family member I was unable to commit to writing as frequently as I had hoped. As my last quarter at DePaul comes to an end, I find myself thinking about this blog more and more. I've come to the realization that I really enjoy writing, and would love to have some sort of career where I could do that. Now, I don't have any aspirations of become a famous writer, known across the world for my works of literary art, rather, I want to write about crap, because that's what I'm good at. I'm good at writing crap. I don't mean I write crap, I mean I write about crap. I've tried writing for the school newspaper, but I found it boring. All I did was regurgitate information. I've thought about foraying into journalism, but the truth is, I don't care. I've always enjoyed writing my own thoughts though and reflecting on life. I like sharing what I think with the world, even if no one reads it. It's really just a therapeutic method of organizing my thoughts and feelings. Hence, I write about crap. If I could get paid to do this all day, I probably would, but who wants to read anything by yet another broke American college student living in a large urban setting?

I've been thinking about what I can do with this blog to make it more interesting, and I've decided that I want to use it to review life as it passes by. I know that sounds banal, but that's what I'm good at: talking about what I see. So, to make it more interesting, I thought I would organize my posts into different series, examining different things in different ways. I can write in response to things, I can write about things I've experienced, I can write about things going on in the world, etc., etc. I don't know. The truth is, I change my mind more frequently than I would like, and by next week I may decide to take things in a completely new direction. But, for now, I've decided that next several posts will be what I orginally set out to do, summaries of my past blog that I kept during my freshman year in college. After that, will be something much more exciting.

Chicago is a great place to live. I love Chicago. I am proud to be a true Chicagoan [definition: born and live in the city]. Being a part of such a great city has its ups and downs, but with summer approaching, one can only look forward to a whole lot of ups. In my humblest opinion, no other city has as an amazing summer period as Chicago. There is ALWAYS something to do. This is a bit ironic because summer is my least favorite season [I don't do sun or hot], but I have to admit that summers are when I have the most fun. There are sooo many festivals, you can't walk around without running into one. So, back to my great and exciting plan. I decided, that this summer of 2009, this summer of mine after college, I will go to and do as many things as possible in this amazing city, and write about them here. I've been thinking about making videos too, and posting those on here as well. To me, this will be a cool summer project to keep me busy, allow me to continue writing, and allow me to explore the wonders of the city.

However, I still plan on writing about crap. I am aware of the fact that several people in my life enjoy it, but that pretty much sums up what I have to say for now. As I previously stated, the next couple of posts will be commentaries on excerpts from my older blog.

Thanks for reading.

Note: At the bottom of this blog, is a calendar listing different events I plan on attending. If you will be in the Chicago area this summer, and would like something to do, please come join me. I am going to try to attend as many events as I can.